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Segregated Account

An account that is maintained by brokers to hold their customers' funds separate from the funds of the brokerage firm....

Short Covering

The process of purchasing securities or future contracts by short sellers willing to close their open positions. It involves the...

Odd Lotter

An investor who trades in less than 100 share units or an odd lot (also board lot). Actions of odd...

Odd-Lot Short Sale Ratio

A technical market indicator that involves relative odd-lot short trading by small investors. This ratio relates odd-lot short sales over...


A market practice whereby prices are bid up or down on purpose in order to generate stop orders. Professional traders...

Scheduled Crossing Pool

A cross (a type of crossing pools) that performs an auction at preset times. It submits orders (bids and offers)...


A merchant who is involved in buying and/or selling cash commodities, or a professional speculator who trades for his own...

Short Interest Ratio

The ratio that relates short interest to the average daily volume over a given period of time (typically 30 days)....


A short-term trading strategy that capitalizes on price changes during the day (trading session). Differently stated, scalping the market involves...

Secondary Offering

The offer to sell to the public a large amount of stock obtained from other than a public offering (such...