A trading algorithm that is used by electronic traders to execute orders at a constant participation rate in sync with...
A component of execution costs; in turn, price impact cost consists of two components: bid-ask spread and price concession. It...
A type of price or trading transparency that involves providing information about prices at which trades at certain volumes may...
A type of price or trading transparency whereby a trading venue, out of its obligation, provides regulators and market participants...
A trading order that is not routed and will get cancelled if there enters a matching contra-order in the venue...
An order (buy or sell order) that is placed in the market or a venue in advance of the public...
A type of price or trading transparency that involves providing information about prices at which trades at certain volumes may...
A crossing platform that handles flows from sell-side firms and highly sophisticated funds. Basically, it is run by a hedge...
A period of trading activity that precedes the start of the formal trading session. The before-the-bell or pre-market trading session...
A period of trading activity that precedes the start of the formal trading session. The before-the-bell or pre-market trading session...