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Publicly Held Company

A company whose shares trade on an exchange or over-the-counter (OTC), being available for any investor to buy or sell...

Publicly Listed Company

A company whose shares are listed with and trade on an exchange (stock market), being available for any investor to...

Public Company

A company whose shares trade on an exchange or over-the-counter (OTC), being available for any investor to buy or sell...

Publicly Traded Company

A company whose shares trade on an exchange or over-the-counter (OTC), being available for any investor to buy or sell...

Principal Risk

In the specific context of payment for purchases of assets (financial assets), it is the risk that the seller of...


It stands for primary only (primary only order); a market order that is to be routed as a market-on-open order...

PO Order

It stands for primary only order; a market order that is to be routed as a market-on-open order (MOO) to...

Primary Only Order

A market order that is to be routed as a market-on-open order (MOO) to the primary market for participation in...

Partial Order

An order that can be filled partly rather than in its entirety. In other words, such an order involves the...

PNP Plus

It stands for post no preference order plus; an order (a PNP order) representing a limit order to buy or...