A gut iron albatross spread which is constructed by selling one call at the lowest exercise price, buying one call...
A type of first loss credit default swaps (FLCDS) or tranche loss credit default swaps (TLCDS) in which the reference...
A three-pronged option trading strategy that involves buying (selling) a call spread and selling (buying) a put option in order...
A calendar strangle that is designed to profit as the underlying is expected to break out in either direction. This...
A swap that combines a plain vanilla swap with a cap. An investor may construct a subsidized swap by paying...
A barrier put warrant that pays its holder (the investor) either the minimum amount specified in the contract or nothing...
A barrier call warrant that pays its holder (the investor) either the minimum amount specified in the contract or nothing...
A traded warrant (and a type of barrier warrants) in which the barrier slowly approaches an in-the-money status (in-the-money side...
An option which allows the holder to trade the underlying market with limited downside in return for a given premium....
A short albatross that solely involves positions in put options and is typically used when an investor harbors a breakout...