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Receiver Swap

A put option on a swap in which the buyer has the right, but is not obliged, to enter into a swap wherein he...

Reverse Knockout Option

A knock-out option in which the barrier is triggered when the option gets in the money (ITM). The barrier level knocking the option out would...

RKO Option

It stands for reverse knock-out option; a knock-out option in which the barrier is triggered when the option gets in the money (ITM). The barrier level knocking...

Risky DV01

In relation to credit default swaps (CDS), it is the credit exposure of the swap at a given point in time. It...

Risky PV01

In relation to credit default swaps (CDS), it is the credit exposure of the swap at a given point in time. It...

Rollercoaster Swap

An interest rate swap in general and a type of a seasonal swap in particular, in which the tenor can...

RPI Swap

A swap which involves an exchange of interest calculated by reference to the Retail Prices Index (RPI) and another reference...