An asset swap in which one counterparty delivers a risky asset (bond, floater, etc) to the other in return for par value. In other words, one...
A call option on a swap in which the buyer has the right, but is not obliged, to enter into...
The risk that arises when the price of an asset underlying an option approaches its strike price as it gets closer to expiration date. This is...
An option leverage that measures the sensitivity of a put option’s price to changes in the underlying price. In other words, it is...
An option contract that gives its holder (the buyer) the right, but doesn’t oblige him/ her/ it, to sell a certain quantity...
An option contract that gives its holder (the buyer) the right, but doesn’t oblige him/ her/ it, to sell a certain quantity...
A type of binary options whose stated strike price is different from its payoff strike. That is, there is a...
A variant on a bear put spread, and a strategy similar to the bull ratio spread in almost all aspects...
An equity-linked note (ELN) that allows the investor a full participation on the upside, while its protection on the downside...
A party to a credit default swap (or any other type of swap) that pays the other counterparty (known as...