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Mid-swap (MS) is the average of bid and ask swap rates used as a benchmark for calculating total interest rate...

Mid Rate

An average of a pay rate (bid rate) and a receive rate (offer rate) in an interest rate swap. A dealer...

Mid Market Swap Rate

The swap rate that makes a swap break even, i.e., renders its present value equal to zero. At this rate, the present value of the floating...


Mid-swap (MS) is the average of bid and ask swap rates used as a benchmark for calculating total interest rate...

Market Maker

For a specific option, it is an individual trader who stands ready to quote both a bid and an offer price on the...


It stands for marking to market; the practice which is used to revalue a financial instrument, in general. In the...


It stands for marking to market; the practice which is used to revalue a financial instrument, in general. In the...

Marking To Market

The practice which is used to revalue a financial instrument, in general. In the context of derivatives, marking to market...

Marked-To-Market Swap

Any swap where settlement takes place by periodically marking interest payments to market (marking to market, MTM). For example, in a credit default swap (CDS),...

Municipal IRS

An interest rate swap in which one party pays a fixed interest rate and receives floating-rate interest payments based on the...