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Fixed Strike Lookback Option

A lookback option whose payoff depends on the lookback price of the underlying asset during the life of the option....

Fixed Strike Lookback Call Option

A lookback option whose payoff depends on the lookback price of the underlying asset during the life of the option....

Floor-Ceiling Swap

An interest rate swap in which an embedded collar (cap and floor) is placed on the floating rate payment. In...


An OTC interest rate derivative, or specifically a contract on an interest rate whereby the seller (or the writer) pays...

Funded Equity Collar

An equity collar that involves obtaining a bank loan by the owner of the underlying equity (shares), collateralized by the...

First Generation Exotic Option

A collection of options (exotic options) that developed beyond the boundaries and limitations of plain vanilla options, in the decade...

1st Generation Exotics

A breed of exotics that has developed as simple or standard additions/ features to derivatives (as opposed to 2nd generation...

First Generation Exotics

A breed of exotics that has developed as simple or standard additions/ features to derivatives (as opposed to second-generation exotics...

Fixed-Income Derivative

A derivative contract whose value is derived from the value of a fixed-income security, that is, it has it as...

FV Spread

With respect to futures contracts, it is the difference (spread) between the fair value (FV) and the current market price...