An agreement (forward contract) between two counterparties to buy or sell a fixed income instrument at a specified date, price,...
It stands for fully funded swap; a swap in which the investor "fully" pays an upfront amount (funding) in return...
A swap in which the investor "fully" pays an upfront amount (funding) in return for the total return of a...
A swap in which the investor pays an upfront amount (funding) in return for the total return of a reference...
It stands for futures current market price (CMP); the price at which the underlying asset is being traded (bought or...
An option (specifically, a lookback option) that gives the holder the right to buy or sell the underlying asset at...
An option that gives the holder the right, without the obligation, to exchange a specific amount of money denominated in...
In relation to a futures-style option (a futures contract on an option-like payoff), and similar to a standard futures contract,...
The fair value (FV) of a derivative depends on the value (fair value) of its underlying asset/ performance/ variable, etc....
An exchange-traded (though customizable) option that allows the parties to specify the strike price and expiration date according to their…