A reserve (a special reserve) that is created to amortize (write off) an entity's goodwill. Goodwill arising on a business...
A set of principles and directions that govern a specific aspect of accounting for an entity, product, instrument, transaction, event,...
A set of principles and directions that govern a specific aspect of accounting for an entity, product, instrument, transaction, event,...
A pricing method that derives the current value of a partially depreciated long-lived asset indirectly from the cost of a...
The process of establishing a particular path or direction for an item (of a financial statement) towards final destination of...
The process or methodology of restating amounts in an entity's statement of financial position that have not already been updated...
In accounting, equity has specific meanings depending on context. Most commonly, it refers to the difference between an entity's assets...
An accounting method that is based on marking to market (M2M) technique, particularly the use of fair value (FV) in...
An accounting method that is based on marking to market technique, particularly the use of fair value (FV) in recognizing...
It stands for total liabilities; the total amount of liabilities (financial obligations) that an entity owes to others (i.e., all...