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IDL Stress Testing

A stress testing exercise that a bank conducts on its intraday liquidity (IDL). Depending on the size, business model, payment volumes, and complexity of a supervised entity (a bank), an internally developed stress testing might be required by regulators as a means to analyze the intraday liquidity risk (IDL risk).

Different scenarios for such an internally developed stress testing include 1) own financial stress (e.g., payments delay/ defer, intraday credit lines withdrawal, reduced access to the market, reduction in credit lines availability and limits), 2) counterparty stress (i.e., specific types of stress directly affecting a given counterparty, being unable to transfer incoming payment and hence causing a lower amount of intraday liquidity available, 3) customer bank’s stress (a costumer bank of a corresponding bank may experience a severe stress resulting in deferred payments, and consequently an intraday liquidity shortage, and 4) market-related stress (e.g., at the time of a crisis affecting liquidity flow, global market, emerging markets, local money markets and retail deposits, accompanied with a halt of closure of major funding markets such as covered bond market, securitization market, etc.

Banking is an integral part of the modern financial system and plays an important role in an economy. It basically involves the so-called intermediation (e.g., ...
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