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Cash Equivalent Value

For an asset, cash equivalent value (CEV) is a measure of revenue that a firm receives from customers. More specifically,...


The declaration that an initial public offering (IPO) has been completed. The success of an IPO deal cannot be claimed...


It stands for constant maturity Bermudan swaption; a Bermudan swaption in which the option (on the underlying swap) can be…

Fake Perpetual FRN

A perpetual FRN which contains a call option given to the issuer. However, if the issuer doesn’t exercise this option…

Foreign Discount Bond

A convertible bond that is denominated in a currency other than the currency of its underlying shares. As opposed to…

Callable RAN

A callable range accrual note (RAN); a range note that is imbedded with a call option. The embedded option allows…

Convertible Bond

A bond that is issued by a firm that allows it to be converted into equity at certain times using...

Financing-Based Crowdfunding

A crowdfunding which involves the crowd lending to businesses (people to business/ person to business- P2B) or to persons (peer…

CB Stripping

The process of breaking up a convertible bond (CB) into two structured products: an asset swap (credit component) and a…


It stands for cross index basis swap; a swap to whose underlying interest rate index (usually LIBOR) the so-called quantization…