It stands for gas-at-the-pump futures. It is a futures contract in which the underlying is the retail price of gasoline....
The floating price that is paid on a fixed-for-floating or floating-for-floating swap or a floating-price cash market transaction. The floating...
In Arabic wadi'ah yad dhamanah; a wadi’ah (deposit) in which the depositee (wade’e) is responsible to return its subject matter...
A variable interest rate on one or two legs of a swap. This rate changes or floats every time the...
In swap transactions, payment netting represents the difference between the two leg payments on the same resetting date. In other...
A tool which measures market state in terms of the dollar-weighted volumes traded, i.e., whether it is oversold or overbought....
An iron condor, generally, involves buying or selling four options at four different exercise prices. When an investor sells the…
It stands for banking on overall stability, which is one of the numerous names for . By definition, it is...
A call ratio backspread which involves selling lower strike call options and buying a bigger number of higher strike calls...
An option trading strategy that is executed by selling a number of out of the money call options exceeding the…