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Call Reverse Knock-Out

A reverse knock-out option (RKO option) in which the barrier is at a level above the spot underlying price. This…

Philanthropic Waqf

A type of waqf whose proceeds are used to serve a specific group of individuals (beneficiaries) such as students, travelers…

Call Around Market

A market, commonly for trading options on futures on European exchanges, in which brokers contact each other over the counter…

Cumulative Cap

A path-dependent interest rate option (specifically, an interest rate cap) which protects its holder against increases in total interest obligations…

Sell-Side Institution

An institutional investor or brokerage that provides exchange services to buy-side traders or buy-side institutions. Examples of sell-side institutions include…

Cumulative Floor

A path-dependent interest rate option (specifically an interest rate floor) which provides investors holding floating rate assets with protection against…

Convertible Asset Option Transaction

A par asset swap whose underlying asset (e.g. a convertible bond) is repackaged with an equity warrant stripped therefrom, with…

Speculative Bubble

A market anomaly that arises when the market price of an asset (stocks, real estate, etc) begins to divert from…

Contango Swap

A commodity swap in which one counterparty pays a rate based on the current difference between the spot price and…


A metaphor for an individual or institution that has the ability to detect the use of any strategy within a…