Elimination of Pretexts – Fincyclopedia
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Islamic Finance

Elimination of Pretexts

A shari’a approach (and one of the secondary sources of Shari’a) which is applied to prevent, on a pre-emptive basis, any thing that can open the door to the commitment of forbidden acts or violations (evil/haram). This principle is used to prevent misuse of legal means to illegal (impermissible) ends. Jurists, such as al-Qarafi, define it as: “prohibiting an act that itself if free from mafsada (potential damage or undesirable ends) whenever it becomes a means to mafsada”. From this perspective, scholars prohibited ba’i al-inah based on the possibility of unlawful consequences exemplified in paying and receiving riba through a fictitious transaction.

Elimination of pretexts, originally derived from Islamic shari’a principles, is known an Arabic as sadd addhara’i.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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