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Exchangeable Zero-Coupon Swap

A zero-coupon swap in which the fixed rate receiver sells a third party (a dealer) an embedded option to convert…

Revenue Swap

A swap that is made up of a number of zero-coupon swaps with increasing maturities. Each of the zero-coupon swaps...

Zero Coupon LPI Swap

A highly path-dependent inflation swap (LPI swap) that has an inflation leg vis-à-vis an interest payment. It involves one payment...

LPI Swap

It stands for limited-price index swap. It is an inflation swap (a zero-coupon swap) in which a fixed amount is...

Reverse Zero-Coupon Swap

A zero coupon swap in which payments are reversed. That is the zero coupon payment is made at the beginning...

Callable Zero Coupon Swap

A zero coupon swap (ZCS) in which the zero coupon leg has the right, without the obligation, to call off...

Zero-Coupon Swap Valuation Method

An interest rate swap valuation method that views a swap as a series of cash flows for each of which...

Limited-Price Indexation Swap

An inflation swap (a zero-coupon swap) in which a fixed amount is exchanged at a specified maturity for the limited-price...

Limited-Price Index Swap

An inflation swap (a zero-coupon swap) in which a fixed amount is exchanged at a specified maturity for the limited-price...

Inflation-Linked Swap

An inflation-linked derivative where the inflation rate is either paid on an annual basis or with a single amount at...