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Wakalah In Murabahah

Murabahah (مرابحة)- cost-plus sale- is one of the most common Islamic contracts of trading. It belongs in the broader class...

Wakalah: Definition and Classification

Wakalah is the process whereby a person (principal; in Arabic: muwakkel) empowers another person (agent; in Arabic: wakeel) to perform...

Wakalah Model for Takaful

Takaful (التكافل) is an Islamic financial product/ service structured in a way that a number of participants share specific types...

Shari’ah Rules on Agency In Murabahah

Murabahah (مرابحة)- cost-plus sale- is one of the most common Islamic contracts of trading. It belongs in the broader class...

Agency In Murabaha

Murabaha (مرابحة)- cost-plus sale- is one of the most common Islamic contracts of trading. It belongs in the broader class...