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Turbo Certificate

A structured product (structured certificate) that provides leverage (gearing), both upside and downside, so that every incremental movement in the...

Turbo Option

Typically, a special type of a barrier option which refers to an option trading strategy that combines two call/ put...

Turbo Warrant

A barrier option in which the barrier lies in the in-the-money side of the strike price. More specifically, it is...

Turbo Cross-Currency Swap

A cross-currency swap that provides no protection in terms of the final exchange notional amount. It allows the swap buyer...

Turbo Swap

An interest rate swap (fixed for floating rate swap) in which the floating rate is calculated by raising the LIBOR...

Turbo Trigger

A structural feature that gives protection to senior bondholders (noteholders) against a deterioration of credit support. It applies a host...

BEST Turbo Certificate

A turbo certificate (knock-out certificate) in which the knock-out barrier (KO barrier) is set equal to the strike price. If...