A mortgage REIT (mREIT) that represents private entities (not government agencies) investing inĀ mortgages not guaranteed by the government. These include...
A mortgage REIT (mREIT) that represents private entities (not government agencies) investing inĀ mortgages not guaranteed by the government. These include...
It stands for mortgage real estate investment trust; a real estate investment trust (REIT) that invests in real estate by...
A real estate investment trust (REIT) that invests in real estate by means of originated mortgages and other types of...
A written agreement between the issuer of debt securities (such as bonds, notes, or debentures) and the representative of security...
An entity that holds a portfolio of commercial real estate or real estate loans and operates these holdings for income...
It stands for real estate investment trust; an entity that holds a portfolio of commercial real estate or real estate...
A trust that results from a fiduciary third party, such as an investment bank, money management firm or other trustee,…
An institutional investor that invests money at its disposal. Examples include mutual funds, pension funds, endowments, trusts, insurers, hedge funds,…
An abbreviation for approved deferred share trust; a trust fund that a company creates for the purpose of buying shares...