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Khiyar al-Aib

An option (khiyar) that gives the buyer the right, in case the object of sale is found to be defective,...

Khiyar al-Kimmiyyah

A khiyar (option) that comes into effect if a person buys an item in barter for unseen items in a...

Khiyar Tafarruq al-Safqa

A khiyar (option) which gives the buyer the right, if the object of sale is in different parts (i.e., partitioned),...

Sell Plus

An order to sell plus- that is, it shall be executed only on a "plus" or "zero-plus" tick. This involves...

Buy Minus

An order to buy minus- that is, it shall be executed only on a "minus" or "zero-minus" tick. This involves...

Related Party

A party (person, entity) that has a connection with an entity (a reporting entity) preparing its financial statements. This connection...

Trade Date Accounting

According to trade date accounting, a transaction is recorded in the books of an entity as of the date at...

Trade Date

The date that an entity commits itself to transact with a party. According to trade date accounting, a transaction is...

Nonmonetary Transaction

Broadly speaking, it is a transaction that involves the exchange of goods or services without the use of a medium...

Tick Sensitive Order

An order to buy a security on a downtick or sell it on an uptick. It is a conditional order:...