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Thin Tranche

A tranche that has a small width. In other words, the the difference between its exhaustion percentage (detachment point) and...

Tranche Width

The difference between the exhaustion percentage (detachment point) and the attachment percentage (attachment point). It represents the percentage of capital...

CDO Tranche Spread

The spread that relates to the tranche of a CDO (collateralized debt obligation), in a securitized structure. The CDO tranche...


It stands for inverse floating rate tranche; a tranche that is created from the collateral tranche (in a CMO structure),...

IFL Tranche

It stands for inverse floating rate tranche; a tranche that is created from the collateral tranche (in a CMO structure),...

Tailor-Made CDO

A synthetic structure that consists of a single tranche. It is simpler than a standard synthetic tranche and can be…


It stands for floating rate tranche; a CMO tranche (or a tranche in a similar structure) in which the monthly...

FL Tranche

It stands for floating rate tranche; a CMO tranche (or a tranche in a similar structure) in which the monthly...

Tranche-Only CDO

A synthetic structure that consists of a single tranche. It is simpler than a standard synthetic tranche and can be…

Tranche Coupon

The coupon (interest) that a tranche carries as compensation for its holder (investor) commensurate to the risk profile of the...