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CMO Swap

It stands for collateralized mortgage obligation swap. An interest rate swap (specifically an index amortizing swap) in which the amortization of…

Loss-Triggered Leveraged Super Senior Tranche

A leveraged super senior tranche (a synthetic collateralized tranche) that is associated with a loss trigger. More specifically, it involves...

On-Demand CDO

A synthetic structure that consists of a single tranche. It is simpler than a standard synthetic tranche and can be...

Senior Tranche

A layer of loss absorption in a collateralized debt obligation (CDO) or any similar structures that is exposed to lowest...

Mezzanine Tranche

A layer of loss absorption in a collateralized debt obligation (CDO) or any similar structures that is positioned between the...

Equity Tranche

A layer of loss absorption in a collateralized debt obligation (CDO) or any similar structures that absorbs initial losses (it...

Fixed Leg of a CDO Tranche

The fixed leg of a CDO tranche constitutes the regular payments that are proportional to the difference between the tranche...

Premium Leg of a CDO Tranche

The premium leg of a CDO tranche constitutes the regular payments that are proportional to the difference between the tranche...

Mono-Tranche CDO

A synthetic structure that consists of a single tranche. It is simpler than a standard synthetic tranche and can be...

Junior/Senior Structure

A two-tranche liability position that consists of senior and subordinated securitized loans. In an junior/senior structured loan, the securitized loan (e.g.,...