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Industrial Mineral

A mineral whose primary use is industrial (being a mineral in certain uses in an industry). Examples of industrial minerals...

Industrial Metal

A metal (in exchange trading, a commodity) whose primary use is industrial (being a material in certain uses in an...

Dual Listing

A type of listing whereby an issuer of securities lists the issue on two exchanges or more, which are distinct...

Secondary Listing

A type of listing whereby the share of a company is listed on one foreign/ offshore exchange or more, in...

Cross Listing

A type of listing whereby the share of a company is listed on one foreign/ offshore exchange or more, in...

Limit Sell Order

A type of limit order; an order to sell a security or commodity at a pre-defined price (at least for...

Sell Limit Order

A type of limit order; an order to sell a security or commodity at a pre-defined price (at least for...


As one of the most precious metals, gold ranks amongst the most tradable commodities across the world. It has a...


An acronym or symbol for exchange rate for gold. It is usually set against a certain currency- e.g., XAU/USD. X...


An acronym or symbol for exchange rate for silver. It is usually set against a certain currency- e.g., XAG/USD. X...