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Gross CET-1

A measure of common equity tier-1 (CET-1) that represents core tier-1 capital net of minority interest in core tier 1....

Gross Common Equity Tier 1

A measure of common equity tier 1 (CET-1) that represents core tier-1 capital net of minority interest in core tier...

Gross Common Equity Tier-1

A measure of common equity tier-1 (CET-1) that represents core tier-1 capital net of minority interest in core tier 1....

Net CET-1

A measure of common equity tier 1 (CET-1) that represents gross common equity tier 1 (net of prudential filters) after...

Net Common Equity Tier 1

A measure of common equity tier 1 (CET-1) that represents gross common equity tier 1 (net of prudential filters) after...

Tier-1 Non-Convertible Sukuk

A category of sukuk that belong to the class of tier-1 equity and are not convertible into the underlying (real)...

Total Tier-1 Capital

A capital measure that is made up of common equity tier-1 capital (CET-1) and additional tier-1 capital (AT1): Total tier...

Tier-1 Equity

A layer of capital/ equity capital (for a bank or financial institution) that consists of common equity, minority interests, eligible...

Tranche 1

A layer/ tranche of capital (for a bank or financial institution) that consists of common equity, minority interests, eligible noncumulative...

Tier-1 Instrument

An instrument (any type of securities or financial obligations) that is created or issued by an entity (the issuer) as...