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Syndicated Murabaha Financing Facility

A murabaha-based financing facility whereby funds for the purchase of the asset (commodities, durable assets, etc.) are provided by a…


Arabic (ركن) for one of the pillars/ elements/ cornerstones of a contract (aqd– عقد). The primary arkan (pl. of rokn)…

Reverse Einah

A form of einah sale (بيع العينة) in which a commodity is sold for a spot price (thaman) and then is…

Bay’ bil Nasi’ah

A credit sale which has a fixed term at the end of which the buyer has to pay the agreed…


Arabic (ركن) for one of the pillars/ elements/ cornerstones of a contract (aqd- عقد). The primary arkan (pl. of rukn)...

Ba’i Bil Nasi’ah

A credit sale which has a fixed term at the end of which the buyer has to pay the agreed…

Reverse Sale and Buy-Back

A form of sale and buy-back (inah sale– بيع العينة) in which a commodity is sold for a spot price (thaman)…

Bay’ al-‘Arboon

A type of sale (bay’) which is effected using down payment or advance money (arboon– عربون) with the condition that…

Dain Sahih

Arabic (دين صحيح) for debt (dain) that may be discharged or extinguished only by repayment (ada’– أداء) or waiver (ibra’–…

Dayn Mushtarak

Arabic (دين مشترك) for debt (dayn) that arises from one transaction or engagement whereby it is owed to two or…