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Synthetic Long Put

A synthetic option (synthetic put option) that is constructed by combining a long call and a short stock or futures....

Synthetic Put Option

A synthetic option that is based on a short position in the underlying asset and a long position in a…

Breakforward Contract

A forward contract at a forward rate that allows the holder to break or unwind the contract with an opposite…

Synthetic Option

An option which is virtually constructed by trading the underlying asset and borrowing or lending, without buying or selling the...


A customized, hybrid, and artificially created financial instrument which combines an underlying price on a cash position with the price...

Synthetic Put

A synthetic option that is based on a short position in the underlying asset and a long position in a...

Synthetic Short Call

A synthetic call option that is established by combining a short put and a short stock or futures. Synthetic short...

Synthetic Short Put

A synthetic put option that is established by combining a short call with a long stock (long futures): Synthetic short...

Synthetic Call

A synthetic option that is based on a long position in the underlying asset and a long position in a...

Long Synthetic Option

A long position in a synthetic option. In other words, a position whose payoff (and generally risk-and-reward profile) replicates that...