A complete or condensed financial report/ financial statement that is prepared for a period shorter than a financial year (accounting...
A placeholder quote for stocks that is used by a market maker that wants to quote one side of a...
Also CTFF or cash-to-first futures. It is a short cash rate that is observed from current day to the maturity...
An interim (reset) period at the beginning (front stub period) or end (back stub period) of a floating rate instrument...
The risk that arises because of the duration of the floating leg of a swap. This occurs because once the...
A complete or condensed financial report/ financial statement that is prepared for a period shorter than a financial year (accounting...
A complete or condensed financial report/ financial statement that is prepared for a period shorter than a financial year (accounting...
A financial reporting period that constitutes a part of a full accounting year. It is a part of the current...
A part of the current accounting year that has passed away or is reportable for the time being. In many...
An odd or partial period within the life of a swap that doesn't constitute, by itself, a whole settlement period. In...