An option trading strategy which involves buying between two and four straddles for one or more expiration months. The straddle…
An option combination, similar to a straddle, in which both the put and call legs have the same expiration date...
A high risk, limited reward options strategy similar to the covered short call (also called covered call write). That means,...
The construction of a combination option such as a straddle or a spread by putting together its two legs, one...
A type of quanto derivatives constructed using specific kinds of derivatives such as options; it is a straddle that comes...
An option in which the holder has the right to receive a payoff reflected in a range, or the difference...
A combination of a lookback call option and a lookback put option which both have the same trade date and...
A calendar straddle (horizontal straddle) that is designed to profit as the underlying is believed to stay stagnant over a...
An option trading strategy which involves buying a straddle and selling an out-of-the-money strangle on the same underlying. The order...
A synthetic straddle that is constructed with two short calls (ATM calls) and 100 long stocks or with two short...