An order to buy minus- that is, it shall be executed only on a "minus" or "zero-minus" tick. This involves...
It stands for arrival price algorithm; a trading algo (trading algorithm) that is designed to minimize trading costs while achieving...
It stands for arrival price algorithm; a trading algo (trading algorithm) that is designed to minimize trading costs while achieving...
A trading algo (trading algorithm) that is designed to minimize trading costs while achieving the bid/ask midpoint price at the...
A trading algorithm that is designed to minimize trading costs while achieving the bid/ask midpoint price at the time the...
An old-fashioned trading system that involves verbal bids and offers, where member traders gather on the trading floor of an...
A market in which orders placed by all traders are accumulated and crossed based on the rules of order precedence. These rules determine...
An order to buy a security on a downtick or sell it on an uptick. It is a conditional order:...
A transaction/ trade that takes place at the same price level of a previous transaction/ trade, but in situation where...
A transaction/ trade that takes place at the same price level of a previous transaction/ trade, but where the trade...