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Spark Spread Option

An option on the spark spread, i.e., the difference between power prices and prices of fuels and emission. It gives...

Spark Spread Swaption

An option that gives the holder the right, without the obligation, to enter into a spark spread swap by a...

Repo Spread

The difference between the general collateral rate (general repo rate) and the specific collateral rate (special repo rate): s =...

Dark Spark Spread

A spark spread that captures the gross margin reflecting the economics of a coal-fired power plant. More specifically, it refers...

Dark Spread Option

An option on the dark spread, i.e., on the gross margin from electricity generated using coal. More specifically, this option...

Dark Spread Swap

An energy swap that involves the exchange of the dark spread, i.e., the variable primary energy price of coal and...

Dirty Spark Spread

A spark spread that captures the gross margin reflecting the economics of a coal-fired power plant. More specifically, it refers...

Trigger Swap

A swap which allows one of the counterparties to lock in the spread between two different points on a particular...

Time Spread

An option or futures spread trade that is established by simultaneously buying and selling options or futures that have different...


It stands for option-adjusted spread; the credit spread that is added over the spot rates (the Treasury spot rate curve,...