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Cash Price

The price of an asset (a tradable asset) such as a security, commodity, or contract, that is determined on the...

Single Cash Price

The price of an asset (a tradable asset) such as a security, commodity, or contract, that is determined on the...

Spot Price

The price of an asset (a tradable asset) such as a security, commodity, or contract, that is determined on the...

Covered Interest Arbitrage 

A straightforward currency swap in which the two counterparties simultaneously exchange currencies at the spot and forward rates. This swap…

Spot Trader Option

An option which allows the holder to trade the underlying market with limited downside in return for a given premium....

SPOT Product

It stands for single payment options trading; a type of currency options trading in which an investor can choose whether...


It stands for single payment options trading; a type of currency options trading in which an investor can choose whether...

Spot Contract

An agreement to buy or sell an asset today, not in the future. That means the underlying (such as a...

Spot Start

An interest rate swap (or virtually any types of swaps) usually has a spot start date which means two business...

Spot Start Swap

A swap that comes into effect two business days from its trade date. The value date of a spot start...