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Spark Spread Swap

An energy swap that involves the payment of the spark spread from one counterparty to another, depending on the change...

Spark Spread Swaption

An option that gives the holder the right, without the obligation, to enter into a spark spread swap by a...

Spark Spread Option

An option on the spark spread, i.e., the difference between power prices and prices of fuels and emission. It gives...

Spark Spread Swaption

An option that gives the holder the right, without the obligation, to enter into a spark spread swap by a...

Dirty Spark Spread

A spark spread that captures the gross margin reflecting the economics of a coal-fired power plant. More specifically, it refers...

Spread Contract

A futures contract or futures option in which the underlying is a specific spread. Examples of underlying spreads include crack...

Spark Spread Futures

A futures contract that has the spark spread as underlying. This implies that an investor buys or sells the price...

Spark Spread

The spread between the price of electricity and the price of natural gas needed to generate that electricity. More specifically,...


An OTC option which is written on a spread. The spreadtion is usually used to lock in the difference between...

Spread Option

An OTC option which is written on a spread. The spread option is usually used to lock in the difference...