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A memory feature of a structured product (e.g., autocall/ autocallable) that if activated, and if on any coupon observation date...


It stands for snowball coupon note; a structured product in which the payment of a one-off conditional coupon- known as...

Memory Coupon

With respect to structured products with barrier mechanism, it is a coupon (interest payment) that is carried over to the...

Snowball Coupon Note

A structured product in which the payment of a one-off conditional coupon- known as a snowball coupon- is made (to...

Snowball Coupon

With respect to structured products with barrier mechanism, it is a coupon (interest payment) that is carried over to the...


A type of snowballs in which the coupon is based on the previous coupon plus a strike level, with the...

Callable Ratchet Corridor

Another name for the snowrange; a type of snowballs in which the coupon is based on the previous coupon plus...

CMS Snowball

A snowball whose coupon depends on the previous coupon plus the difference between a strike level and the 10-year constant...

Callable Reverse Ratchet Inverse Floater

Another name for the snow bear; a hybrid derivative instrument that is used by investors willing to bet on rising...

Callable Snowball

A snowball that is associated with a call option (callability). The issuer has the right to call at face value...