In finance, a position is a specific amount of a security, commodity, or currency that is owned by a market...
A market situation where holders of short positions attempting to cover their positions fail to find an adequate supply of…
One of the most popular and basic option strategies in which an inherently bearish investor attempts to capitalize on the...
One of the most popular and basic option strategies in which an inherently bearish investor attempts to capitalize on the...
A synthetic option (synthetic put option) that is constructed by combining a long call and a short stock or futures....
A synthetic option that is based on a short position in the underlying asset and a long position in a…
An option spread that combines a long position and short position in put options on the same underlying asset. By…
The trader who takes a short position in futures, i.e., he/she will sell the underlying commodity of a futures contract,…
It stands for exchange of futures for physicals. By definition, it is a transaction that involves simultaneously taking a cash…
A hedging technique which aims to make the price of a set (or portfolio) of derivatives immune to small movements in…