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Short Call Option

One of the most popular and basic option strategies in which an inherently bearish investor attempts to capitalize on the...

Short Call

One of the most popular and basic option strategies in which an inherently bearish investor attempts to capitalize on the...

Sell a Spread

An options trading strategy that is based on establishing a spread position in which the premium on the short option…

Unmargined Spread

An option spread in which the short option leg is margined separately as a naked option. Investors choose this setting…


In option parlance, a condor is a variation on a butterfly option, in which the two short options (sold options)…

Buy To Close

A transaction which is struck to offset a short option position. For instance, if an investor is short on March...

Covered Option

A short call or put option position that is covered by the sale or the purchase of the underlying asset...

Short Option

A short position in an option whereby the position holder has the right, but not the obligation, to trade an...

Reverse Breakeven

The point at which a short option or option spread executed at a credit breaks even (it produces neither profit...

Zero-Cost Hedge

An option trading which is arranged such that the premium received from an option sold (short option) compensates for the...