A type of musharaka that employs the concept of running finance (RF); it is an alternative to running finance that…
Arabic (دين مشترك) for debt (dayn) that arises from one transaction or engagement whereby it is owed to two or…
Arabic (دين مشترك) for debt (dain) that arises from one transaction or engagement whereby it is owed to two or…
A type of partnership (musharaka or sharika) which holds all participating parties at equal footing in terms of funds contributed,...
In Arabic (شركة العقد)- sharikat al-aqd- a type of sharikah (partnership) that is formed by means of mutual agreement between...
Arabic (شركة الوجوه) for a subset of sharikat al-aqd (liability partnership or receivables partnership) that constitutes a contract between two...
Arabic (شركة الوجوه) for a subset of sharikat al-aqd (liability partnership or receivables partnership) that constitutes a contract between two...
Arabic (شركة المفاوضة) for a subset of sharikat al-aqd (contractual partnership) that constitutes a contract between two or more persons...
Arabic (شركة الصنائع) for a type of sharikat al-aqd (contractual partnership) in which two persons or more agree to cooperate...
Arabic (شركة العنان) for a partnership (musharaka) that is formed by two or more parties, each of them contributes a...