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Uqud al-Hifz

Arabic (عقود الحفظ) for a category of contracts (uqud/ aqd) that are designed for protection or safeguarding of property (mal)....


The party who provides liquidity to the seeker of liquidity (mutawarriq/ mustawriq) in a tawarruq (Islamic monetization) transaction. In Arabic...


In Islamic finance, muwa'adah, or mutual promising or bilateral promising, refers to a promise which is issued by a counterparty...


Arabic (صيغة) for contractual formula (formula of a contract/ aqd). A formal exchange of offer/proposal (ijab or 'ardh) and acceptance...


An exchange of two counter-values (badalain) such as price for commodity (ba'i), currency for currency (sarf), price for usufruct (ijara),...

Sukuk al-Istisna’a

Certificates of equal value (sukuk) that are issued for the purpose of mobilizing funds to be used in the production...

Uqud Musammat

A class of contracts to which shari’a has assigned specific names and handled in details their respective rules and stipulations....


Generally, it refers to any game of chance, where the final result depends a random process or an uncertain event....


Arabic (حجر) for interdiction (of a person). It is a legal action preventing a person from disposing of his/her wealth....


One of the categories of maslaha or human needs that corresponds to basic necessities of life, including food, shelter, clothes,...