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Arabic (علة) for the underlying cause or element (ratio legis) on which a new ruling is based by making parallel...


Arabic (عين) for a determinate property or asset that has a marketable or non-marketable material value that can be converted...

Ba’i al-Musarrah

Arabic (بيع المصراة) for a manipulative transaction which involves the sale (ba'i) of a cow, she-goat, or ewe, with its...

Da’ wa Ta’jjal

An Islamic fiqh term (and a shari'ah maxim) that is associated with the process of sulh al-ibra' or discharge reconciliation....

Maqasid al-Shari’ah

Arabic (مقاصد الشريعة) for the higher purposes of Islamic shari'ah or simply for objectives of shari'ah. Maqasid al-shari'ah constitute the...

Qabd Hukmi

An Arabic term (قبض حكمي) that denotes constructive possession; a method of taking possession of an asset (commodity, currency, etc)...


An Arabic term (قبض) that means taking possession of an object of sale or exchange, an amount of money, a...

Public Waqf

A type of waqf which mainly serves the public. In other words, the waqf's proceeds/ usufruct (ghallah) will be used...

Murabaha to the Purchase Orderer

A murabaha transaction whereby the Islamic bank (murabaha seller) purchases an asset/ commodity, upon the request of a customer (purchase...

Vanilla Sukuk

The most basic type of sukuk which have no additional features (add-ons) such as option to convert or exchange into...