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Arabic (غرر) for an element of uncertainty or ambiguity, whether insignificant or excessive, in any sale contract (aqd al-ba'i) or...


Arabic (غبن) for a fraudulent practice by which one party to a commutative contract (ba’i, ijarah, salam, etc.) attempts to...


Arabic (الغبن) for a fraudulent practice by which one party to a commutative contract (ba’i, ijarah, salam, etc.) attempts to...

CoCo Sukuk

It stands for contingent convertible sukuk; a type of sukuk structure (hybrid securities) in which sukuk certificates give the sukuk...

Commodity Murabaha

A murabaha-based, short-term placement operation that involves the the purchase and sale of commodities in the international exchanges. Islamic banks...


Anything that is permissible (halal or jaiz) or not impermissible (haram) under shari'ah. It constitutes of the entire set of...


Arabic (عربون) for down payment, "partial" payment in advance, or security deposit. The payment/ deposit is intended to secure a...


Arabic (عربون) for down payment, "partial" payment in advance, or security deposit. The payment/ deposit is intended to secure a...


An Arabic term (عوض) that denotes compensation or remuneration. In the context of Islamic financial and commercial transactions, it refers...


Arabic (عربون) for down payment, "partial" payment in advance, or security deposit. The payment/ deposit is intended to secure a...