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A present economic resource (mawrid) that an entity controls as a result of a transaction occurred in the past, or...


Arabic (أصل) for a number of terms with different meanings or connotations in different contexts. For one, it may denote...

Bai’ Mu’ajjal

An Arabic term (بيع مؤجل) that translates as sale on credit or credit sale. By definition, it is an Islamic...

Ba’i al-Wafa

A sale (ba'i) in which the seller has the right, as stipulated in the contract, to repurchase the underlying property...

Binding Agency

An agency contract (aqd al-wakalah) that is binding on either party or both (wakalah mulzimah). While agency is essentially not...

Ba’i al-Hateetah

A contract of sale (ba'i) in which the seller reveals (or is under obligation to reveal) to the buyer his...

Ba’i al-Mawqoof

In Arabic (بيع الموقوف), it is a type of sale (ba'i/ bay') which is lawful in substance and description but...

Ba’i al-Uhdah

A term (بيع العهدة) which is used by Shafi'e fuqaha to denote ba'i al-wafa. It is a sale (bai) in...

Bay’ al-Musawama

An Arabic term (بيع المساومة) that denotes “bargaining sale”. It is a type of sale (bay’) in which the seller...

Bay’ al-Salam

A type of sale (bay’), which is an exception to the general rule for sale contracts that the object of...