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Bay’ al-Mudtarr

A type of sale (bay') in which the seller resorts to selling his property (assets, belongings, etc) under duress or...


One of the essential modes of profit/ loss-sharing in Islamic finance, which is based on the concurrence of capital providers...

Parallel Istisna’a

An istisna'a contract in which the buyer (manufacture orderer, or almustasni') doesn't set a condition in the contract obliging the...

Ba’i al-Majhul

A type of ba’i al-gharar in which the object of sale or the price (thaman) is unknown/ unspecified, or in...

Da Wa Taajjal

An Islamic fiqh term that is associated with the process of sulh al-ibra' or discharge reconciliation. The creditor party accepts...

Islamic Crowdfunding

A form of financing that involves the combination of Islamic finance with crowdfunding so as to address financing needs of...

Wakalat al-Istithmar

A method (Arabic for وكالة الاستثمار) whereby Islamic financial institutions manage funds on behalf of their customers. This involves providing...


A method (Arabic for وكالة الاستثمار) whereby Islamic financial institutions manage funds on behalf of their customers. This involves providing...

Al-Shart al-Sahih

A valid condition, i.e., a contractual stipulation that is permissible (under shari'ah) and binding on the parties to the contract...

Al-Shart al-Fasid

A condition / contractual stipulation that renders the contract (aqd) in which it was stipulated a defective contract (i.e., though...