Those entities which are in need of capital (i.e., they are in money shortage). The sell side could be a...
The purchase price/ transfer price of an asset/ liability that is determined based on the amount required to exchange the...
The sale price/ transfer price of an asset/ liability that is determined based on the amount required to exchange the...
A small investment bank that specializes in specific investment banking services and activities. It focuses in its business on particular...
An exchange (venue) in which offers to trade are not disclosed to the public. Orders can be invisibly transmitted (and...
The total cost of a commodity transaction. It consists of all bid-ask spreads, exchange fees, the broker's commission (in a...
A market in which offers to trade are not disclosed to the public. Orders can be invisibly transmitted (and hence...
Those who have capital (money surplus) and want to invest it in a profitable way. They are investors who range...
A crossing platform that handles flows from sell-side firms and highly sophisticated funds. Basically, it is run by a hedge...
An informal term for the institutional investors on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). In general, it refers to the...