The process of issuing sukuk in continuation of past issues. The newly placed sukuk are issued with the same defining...
The process of issuing certificates that represent debts and loans (generally any type of obligations). The issued certificates (or securities)...
An abbreviation for accepted bill-i or Islamic accepted bill; a bill of exchange which is drawn on or by a...
The process of selling debt instruments (notes, bonds, etc) to investors against income from cash flows generated by a pool...
The process of issuing certificates that represent debts and loans (generally any type of obligations). The issued certificates (or securities)...
The process of issuing certificates that represent debts and loans (generally any type of obligations). The issued certificates (or securities)...
The process of issuing certificates that represent debts and loans (generally any type of obligations). The issued certificates (or securities)...
A type of structured finance that involves the pooling of assets (or specific types of assets such as receivables) for...
Arabic (خلطة) for mixing (pooling) of a number of shari'ah-compliant asset classes in securitization (tasnid/ taskik) or capital structure. Examples of khultah in securitization include...
Arabic (خلطة) for mixing (pooling) of a number of shari'ah-compliant asset classes in securitization (tasnid/ taskik) or capital structure. Examples of khultah in securitization include...