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Aqd al-Muawadha

Arabic (عقد المعاوضة) for compensatory contract (commutative contract) whereby one party receives compensation/ consideration (iwadh) from another party in return…

Bay’ al-Muqayadhah

A mode of trading (mutajarah) which involves the exchange of one asset for another without resorting to a medium of…

Sukuk al-Salam

Sukuk al-salam (singular: salam sakk) are certificates of equal value (sukuk) which are issued in order to raise salam capital....

Salam Sukuk

Salam sukuk (singular: salam sakk) are certificates of equal value (sukuk) which are issued in order to raise salam capital....


Arabic (سلم) for the sale of a commodity that will be delivered at a future date for a specific price...

Al-Salam al-Muwazi

An Arabic term (السلم الموازي) that translates as parallel forward delivery sale (parallel salam). It is a salam contract in...