A type of risk (financial risk) that arises from potential losses to an investment/ position/ holding/ asset, etc. Regardless of...
An asset which carries little or no credit risk or liquidity risk and is used to settle payment obligations arising...
The risk, in a financial transaction, that reflects a counterparty's failure to deliver a security or its monetary value (or...
An abbreviated form for operational risk; a type of risk that reflects deficiencies in an entity's internal controls or systems,...
A type of risk that reflects deficiencies in an entity's internal controls or systems, flawed processes, human error or management...
A period of time prior to a default by a counterparty to a financial transaction when the counterparties cease to...
An abbreviation for market price of risk; the extra return or compensation (premium or risk premium) that the market (or...
All types of risk that impact the value of market positions due to changes in market parameters/ variables including interest...
It stands for market price of risk; the extra return or compensation (premium or risk premium) that the market (or...
The extra return or compensation (premium or risk premium) that the market (or market participants such as investors) demands for...