A murabaha-based financing facility whereby funds for the purchase of the asset (commodities, durable assets, etc.) are provided by a…
Arabic (عقد الإشتراك) for a contract (aqd) that entails sharing in ventures/ businesses and profits (ribh) through specific partnership (sharakah/sharikah).…
In Arabic musharaka (مشاركة). It is a partnership mode of Islamic finance in which partners contribute equal or unequal ratios…
Arabic (ربح المثل) for matching rate of profit or prevalent rate of profit or benchmark/reference profit rate. It refers to…
The object of a murabaha sale or transaction for which the murabaha buyer pays the murabaha seller cost-plus, i.e., the…
A murabaha transaction that is arranged with no deferral of payment. In this case, the seller only receives a mark-up…
A murabaha contract between a purchaser and an investment agent (wakil bil istithmar) acting as mudarib or investment agent on…
A type of risk that is associated with sales (buyu) in which the price (thaman) of an underlying object (commodity),...
Arabic (مبادلة الأرباح) for profit rate swap. By definition, it is an Islamic swap that entails the exchange of a...
An Islamic swap that entails the exchange of a floating profit rate for a fixed profit rate, or vice versa....