A type of commercial paper that constitutes a certificate whereby the issuer promises to pay a specific amount of money…
Arabic (ربا غير مباشر) for indirect riba. It is a type of riba that arises from the simultaneous exchange of…
A bill of exchange which is drawn on or by a bank, payable at some preset future date, to securitize…
A type or category of riba that arises from any excess consideration over and above the amount of a loan...
Arabic (مال ربوي) for any kind of wealth or property (mal) that is inherently susceptible to riba. Traditionally, mal ribawi...
A type of riba (ربا) that arises in sale transactions (buyu') involving barter exchange (muqayadhah) of commodities belonging to the...
Arabic (مثلاً بمثل) for like for like. Ribawi items (such as gold, silver, dates, wheat, etc) cannot be exchanged (i.e., different...
A type of sale (ba’i) that involves the exchange of fresh fruits for dry ones, where the quantity of the...
Arabic (ربا الحديث) for riba identified in the hadeeth of Prophet; it is also known as riba al-fadhl, i.e., riba...
Arabic (ربا الحديث) for riba identified in the hadith of Prophet; it is also known as riba al-fadhl, i.e., riba of...