It stands for banking on overall stability, which is one of the numerous names for . By definition, it is...
One of the numerous names for corridor option. By definition, it is a path-dependent option that is typically embedded in…
A type of a range accumulation option which has a digital payout conditional on the reference price or rate remaining...
An option that accrues in value (payoff) for each day that the reference index rate remains within a specified range...
A note in which coupon amount is determined largely or entirely by an embedded range accumulation option, and where the...
An option that accrues in value (payoff) for each day that the reference index rate remains within a specified range...
A floating-rate note (floater) in which the coupon is determined entirely or to a large extent by an embedded range...
A floater that pays a coupon whose amount depends on the times a floating rate (such as LIBOR) remains within...