It stands for range accrual note; a note that pays interest only if the floating interest rate (such as LIBOR)...
A range accrual note (RAN) that has a floating reference for the in/ out range payments denominated in a foreign...
A bond that pays interest only if the floating interest rate (such as LIBOR) or an interest rate option underlying...
A chooser note (range chooser note) which allows the investor to set the range at the start of each coupon...
A range note in which the coupon depends on the daily fixings of two underlying indexes (such as 3-month Euribor...
A range accrual note in which the investor receives a floating rate accrual coupon within a predetermined range. If the...
An abbreviation for callable daily range accrual note; a callable range accrual note (CRAN) that provides the accumulation of enhanced...
A range accrual note (RAN) that is a structured in such a way that the coupon is linked to the...
A floating rate note (FRN) which in which interest (coupon) accrues only on days when the reference rate (floating rate)...
A callable range accrual note (CRAN) that provides the accumulation of enhanced daily coupon payments as long as the reference...