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Callable RAN

A debt instrument (range accrual note) where the issuer has the option (call option) to redeem (call) the note at...

Equity RAN

A range accrual note (RAN)- a principal-protected note- that that pays out a series of coupons (interest amounts) based on...

Equity Range Accrual Note

A range accrual note (RAN)- a principal-protected note- that that pays out a series of coupons (interest amounts) based on...


It stands for range accrual note; a note that pays interest only if the floating interest rate (such as LIBOR)...


An abbreviation for callable daily range accrual note; a callable range accrual note (CRAN) that provides the accumulation of enhanced...

CMS Range Accrual Note

A range accrual note (RAN) that is a structured in such a way that the coupon is linked to the...


A range accrual note (RAN) that is a structured in such a way that the coupon is linked to the...